Usage Guide

For Portfolio and Building Owners


How can Emodeler help me?

1. Plan Renovations

(step-by-step process below)

Mitigating energy cost escalation risk, saving on operational costs, increasing portfolio value. All of these are great reasons to implement energy renovations. Emodeler proposes the most valuable improvements for your specific building, and helps you understand how much you'll save on energy costs if you implement them, allowing you to prioritize the most valuable projects and manage economic payback expectations.

2. Communicate Sustainability

Communication of sustainability investments can be just as challenging as planning them, especially if your building portfolio is not your core business. Emodeler's reports detail exactly how much emissions are projected to be saved by a renovation, and are professionally formatted for internal and external presentation. Sharing these reports shows all stakeholders that your sustainability investments are science-based, targetted, and effecive.

3. Prove Compliance

Energy and emissions savings requirements can come from company directives or district requirements. If your building is subject to one of these directives, an Emodeler Savings Projection Report corresponding to a planned renovation is way to provide trust in your compliance until the savings can be measured after implementation. Large companies also use Emodeler to implement such directives, guiding individual building owners toward cost-effective compliance while ensuring that compliance is met.

4. CPACE Funding

If the building is in a district which provides CPACE (Commercial Property-assessed Clean Energy) loans for renovations, an Emodeler report certifies the energy efficiency performance of a renovation. For some lenders, in some states, this report is enough to qualify the renovation for a loan. Emodeler is currently under development to expand its applicable to CPACE in more states.

Step-by-Step Guide

Planning Renovations with Emodeler

Step 1. Identify Contraints

Contraints are essential for any planning. Usage of Emodeler is much more effective if the constraits are known. Helpful constraints to know:

  • Budget for sustainability investments
  • Energy or emissions savings goals
  • Minimum investment return requirements
  • Step 2: Find High-level Building Info

    A high-level analysis of your portfolio can be completed very quickly, and only requires the following information for each building:

  • Zip code
  • Year of last renovation
  • Building type (office, restaurant, etc)
  • Square footage
  • Heating fuel (optional)
  • Step 3: Low-hanging Fruit

    Simulate one of our typical Renovation Packages for each building with Emodeler Tier 1. The info entry process takes 1-3 minutes for each building. Compare expected savings to find the buildings which may benefit the most from the renovation. Compare the projected savings to your goals, and use that to filter out the buildings with the most profitable renovations.

    Step 4: Acquire more Building Data

    For the buildings identified to be the most profitable, start an Emodeler Tier 2 entry. Entries for this tier are technical, but only require a technical familiarity with the biulding. They do not require any energy modeling expertise. Share this form with your building operator, architect, or engineer to help fill in additional details. All details are optional, but the results will get more accurate for each building detail you can specify. As in Tier 1, any input not specified will be automatically filled using our database of U.S. averages for your building's type, climate, and age.

    Step 5: Implement & Share

    Share the results with some contractors to acquire implementation quotes. Emodeler measures are standard measures in the industry, and specifications for each are provided for contractors on the Resources page above. You'll now have all information needed to understand the renovation's profitability. Compare this with your constraints, and implement!

    Case Studies

    We are working on putting together case studies. Do you want to be one of our first case studies for portfolio or building owners? We are offering a 15% subscription cost reduction for our first three case studies.

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